We recall the time spent in Willa Lawenda marvelously! Firstly, the proprietress of the place is very kinda and hearty. The apartments are of a very high standards and are clean as a whistle. The place is quiet and peacefull, thus, great for a deep relaxation and regeneration close to the seashore. The beautiful large garden is equipped with hammocks and a trampoline for the youngest. Aside from that, in the hotel you can find many other amenities, such as well equipped kitchen and a fully furnished children's area. I strongly recommend the place for families with children, but also for everyone who want to relax in a comfortable environment, with a great ratio of price to quality!
Wyjazd: rodzinny
4 osoby oceniły opinię jako pomocną
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Ocenił standard:
jakość do ceny:10/10
zgodność z ofertą:10/10